When it comes to wine I am not a huge collector of gadgets, but I think there are a few things that are essential to any wine lovers home. They don’t need to be expensive either. Just things to make your life easier so you can spend more time and money enjoying the fun part… the actual wine. So with the help of True Fabrications I am giving away some of my favorite wine essentials.
True Fabrications is a wine gift and accessory company based out of Seattle, WA. At my last winery job one of my many roles was to order supplies for the tasting room and True Fabrications was one of my go to companies to work with for ordering tasting room products because they were reliable, consistent, and had good customer service. They offer a wide array of everything from wine gift bags, tools, home entertaining products, barware, and more. Plus they are helping me provide these gifts to one lucky winner! Check out their website for more information.
Crystal Champagne Glass (set of 2)
If you’ve read even one post here on this blog you should know that I live for bubbles. Even if you don’t drink a lot of bubbles I think all wine drinkers need to have a set of good Champagne glasses in their home. Why? Bubbles are meant to be drunk out of a thin long flute, not a wide bowl or regular wine glass or they will quickly lose their bubbles, and that’s a tragic thing. So my #1 priority for any wine lovers household is some good Champagne flutes, and these look very pretty and fit the description!
Click for product details
Chrome Champagne Stopper
I hear too many people say they don’t drink enough bubbles because they don’t want to drink a whole bottle and are afraid of the bubbles dissipating if they don’t finish the bottle. Well with a Champagne stopper you won’t have to worry anymore. You can pour yourself a much deserved glass (or two), then place the stopper over your bottle and put it back in your refrigerator for another day or two without losing any of those magical bubbles. I use this product all the time and I can attest to the fact that they do indeed work to preserve your bubbles for at least 1-2 extra days. There you go, now you can drink all the bubbles you want and never worry about waste again.
Click for product details
Black Modern Ice Bucket
Excellent for entertaining. If you’re anything like me and like to spend your summer in the backyard it can be a hassle to run to the kitchen anytime you need a refill on your chilled wine. So just fill up the bucket with some ice, pop in your favorite bubbles (or white wine) and you’ll never have to leave the backyard again.
Click for product details
Air Dry Wine Glass Drying Rack
I never use a dishwasher to wash or dry my wine glasses. Why? Mine are just too fragile and I’ve seen too much devastation when they enter a dish washing machine. So I have to wash all of my glasses by hand, and the best way to dry them at home is upside down on a drying rack. The drying rack keeps the glasses from developing spots or smudges so the next time you use them your glass is shiny and clear, and all you see is your beautiful vino! I use a drying rack everyday and couldn’t live without one!
Click for product details
Red Pulltap Corkscrew
I’ve gone through probably every type of corkscrew on the market and I have to say, the one and only corkscrew that you really need is a good double lever “waiters friend” corkscrew like this one. Double lever (or double hinge) is the key in my opinion. You can screw the corkscrew into the cork and pull it out easily without bending or breaking the cork. It’s the kind used by most sommeliers and waiters in restaurants for a reason. It’s small, easy to use, and it works best! So no more need for fancy wine openers anymore. Why red? Because it's my favorite color.
Click for product details
Wine Away Stain Cleaner
If you haven’t spilled red wine on anything important, then you’re not a real wine lover. We’ve all been there, and that’s why we all need this product. I *love* wine away because it really works. I’ve spilled red wine on tan pants, light colored shirts, jackets, sweaters, skirts, carpets, my wedding dress (it’s true), and even my beautiful beige microfiber sofa and the stain has come out with Wine Away. Just follow the instructions on the bottle and voila. Just as any mother wouldn’t live without stain remover in her laundry room, a wine lover should never go without an emergency supply of Wine Away.
Click for product details
Private Preserve Wine Preserver
Sometimes, you don’t finish a complete bottle of wine in an evening. Yes it happens. Even to me. So, to insure your wine does not start the process of oxidation (or going bad/stale), it’s best to pump a little gas into the bottle, to replace any air in the bottle, then place the cork back on. It is completely safe and does not do anything to your wine but preserve it. In my experience it can extend the life of an open bottle of wine by up to 4-5 days. This is the exact product we used at the last winery I worked at to gas our wines at the end of each day.
Click for product details
Those are a few of my essentials!
*A package valued at approximately $100!
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and let me know the following:
1) How long have you been reading this blog? If this is your very first time reading the blog, that’s awesome, welcome!
2) Which of these products do you think you'll enjoy the most?
3) Finally, make sure to tell your friends about it.
To double your chances of winning:
4) Subscribe to this blog, either by email notification or RSS feed, or become a fan of Vindulge on Facebook, and let me know you’re a subscriber or Facebook fan in your comment and you will be entered twice.
- I will select a winner at random and reveal the winner one week from today (9/22/10).
- Contest is only open to residents of the US or Canada (for shipping purposes).
- And thank you to everyone who reads this blog for all your support.
Good luck
*Please note I was not paid anything nor given anything in return to say anything good about these products. They are all products I actually use and trust and want to spread the good word about. That's all.
Brand new reader here! Love me some wine and that is a great prize. Thanks for the chance!
Posted by: reva skie | September 15, 2010 at 07:50 AM
My dear Mary, I've been a fan from the beginning of Vindulge and will continue to be even though you abandoned us here in Portland (we miss you!). I'd love to try the airdryer, but I think I'd use the corkscrew the most. I have a decent double-lever, but am still looking for something better I guess. I'm telling my friends right now in a tweet!
I'm a subscriber and a die hard Facebook fan. GREAT giveaway!
Posted by: Tamara Belgard | September 15, 2010 at 08:09 AM
Hi Mary - I've been reading your blog about 6 months and I really enjoy it! I am also a FB fan! I would probably enjoy the corkscrew the most, as the one I use now does not fit my hand - and hurts! Hoping you enjoy your new home, but I know you are missed in Portland!
Posted by: Lani Blazer | September 15, 2010 at 08:34 AM
Hi Mary, I've been reading your blog for a few months now...I relocated to Spokane from New York and was raised in San Francisco...I also did a 9 month stint in Connecticut! Good luck in CT.
I think i'd use the the wine glass dryer OR the champagne stopper the most. I always find when my wine glasses are drying on the counter that the end up getting knocked over and broken! And i love champs (usually dont have a problem finishing!) I am a subscriber to the blog, I like you on FB and i just started following you on Twitter! Good Luck!
Posted by: Sarah | September 15, 2010 at 09:19 AM
I've been reading this blog for about 3 weeks. I really like the wine glasses.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Posted by: Ashley | September 15, 2010 at 09:25 AM
I have been reading your fantastic blog around 10 months now, and if I participated in FB I would most certainly be a fan...
The champagne flutes are my favorite. I tend to break these, and definetly would enjoy using them.
Getting ready to tweet your post now.
I also truly enjoy subscribing to this informative blog about wine, food, and your life. Have fun enjoying the beautiful colors back east.
Posted by: cristina pineda | September 15, 2010 at 10:33 AM
Congrats on the move! I've been reading this blog since November 2009 when I started my own.
I could most use the champagne stopper since, believe it or not, I don't own one.
P.S. I'm a FB fan, and have been for a while!
Cheers and pick me pick me.
Josh Wade
Posted by: Josh wade | September 15, 2010 at 02:29 PM
I've been reading your blog for a couple of months. I think the drying rack would be the most useful...once I get some good wine glasses anyways. Yay for wedding gifts ;)
Posted by: Bryce | September 15, 2010 at 02:33 PM
Well I have been following you on twitter for quite awhile, but this is actually my first trip to the blog. It's fantastic, nice work! I think the Air Dry Wine Glass Drying Rack is AWESOME. I am constantly putting glasses on towels on the counter to dry, would love that. Look forward to seeing more of your blog, take care!
Posted by: Taryn Miller | September 15, 2010 at 02:33 PM
I need the champagne glasses! I participated in the #bubbly Twitter tasting last night with no champagne flutes! I have been following/reading your blog since right now! I am a fan on Facebook, too, just now! Thanks @nectarwine for the retweet, as it's because of him that I found you. :)
Posted by: Elizabeth Smith | September 15, 2010 at 02:35 PM
Found your blog today, via Twitter (we're @elkhorninn)!
We'll absolutely use and enjoy the Private Preserve Wine Preserver, but I've GOT to get some Wine Away Stain Cleaner one way or the other! (We have an inn in WV- the Elkhorn Inn & Theatre- and red wine & white tablecloths don't mix!)
I now follow you, retweeted your contest tweet, added you as a "favorite" on the Elkhorn Inn & Theatre's facebook page & "shared"!
I've subscribed to your blog by email (elisse @ frontiernet.net) and I'm now a fan of Vindulge on Facebook (Elisse Jo Goldstein-Clark).
Posted by: Elisse Jo Goldstein-Clark | September 15, 2010 at 03:12 PM
Love contests where wine is involved. Been reading blog for about two months but have been a twitter follower for much longer. Gonna luv the wine bucket. And a retweet is right around the corner. All the best. Cheers!
Posted by: Mark (sfcpdx) | September 15, 2010 at 03:17 PM
As the spouse of said wine blogger, I would personally use the bubbly glasses the most.....why? Because when we DON'T use the drying rack, I break them.
Now, I will disqualify myself from the give a way.
Good luck everyone!
Posted by: Sean Martin | September 15, 2010 at 03:19 PM
Hi Mary, glad you are on the east coast and looking forward to a visit.
I check your blog from time to time and just subscribed...I'll go on facebook as well and take a look.
I think I would love the "wine away" cleaner...I'm not the most careful lperson.
Posted by: Rosemary Dean | September 15, 2010 at 03:21 PM
I just started reading your blog today - looks great!
I really like the Private Preserve Wine Preserver the most - it's something I could really use too!
I subscribed to your blog via email so I wouldn't miss anything.
I am also a fan on Facebook - Greg Johnson
Posted by: Greg Johnson | September 15, 2010 at 04:35 PM
I'm a first time reader of your blog, but look forward to more!
I think I'd enjoy the Crytal Champagne Glasses the most..they just look so elegant!
I'm following you on Facebook now and subscribing to the blog.
Posted by: John Miller | September 15, 2010 at 04:39 PM
I'm also a first time reader, but you've got a place in my RSS reader now! (Thank Nora for the referral!)
I would definitely enjoy the Air Dry Wine Glass Drying Rack the most. I hate drying my delicate glassware on the dish rack, I'm always afraid it will shift and crack when I least expect it! Not to mention water spots!
I'm also a fan on Facebook.
Posted by: Jeremy Charette | September 15, 2010 at 05:51 PM
Wine away! I'm out and I have a few items that make that obvious. And the champagne flutes... because I love bubbly and am too poor to buy them myself ;)
I'm a long time fan on fb and reader and... why not give it a try!
Posted by: Justus | September 15, 2010 at 07:20 PM
You know I'm one of your biggest fans of this and on FB :) So big and in the industry that I'm probably not eligible, but it's a great excuse to say hello and let you know the weather is TERRIBLE here.
Have been following and loving your writing since you started. The air dry wine glass rack is awesome -- how did I not know about this potential cure for all of our clean but spotted glasses. (Maybe no more steam cleaning just before a dinner party -- although I'm so bummed you and Sean aren't here we may not be able to give dinner parties :)
Hope you are getting settled. We MISS y'all. CT/NY/Paris 2011?
Posted by: Dixie | September 15, 2010 at 10:03 PM
New reader, new subscriber!
I would probably use the champagne stopper most often, but only slightly more often than the glass drying rack.
I am going to go catch up on past posts- this is a great site! I am glad to have found it :)
(followed the link on J.T's facebook page)
Posted by: Rachel | September 15, 2010 at 11:03 PM